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Nota Kalagia  Founder/Project Director 

Dimitris: what does mean Yεnεέs (generations) exhibition to you?

Nota: Yεnεέs is the passage and meeting of different artists to contribute to a new age of ideas missing from today’s Greece.

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with the artist  Eirini Georgopoulou and I really  found her statement extremely interesting.

Apart from referring to the birth as the process through which new life is brought into existence, for me the title of this exhibition refers to the transformative process of renewal, since artists try to leave something behind for future generations to come.

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Sofia Theofilaktidis  Artist | Video Curator

Athena – an outlier, the scapegoat and the temperamental portal of pathos and civilization. Persecuted for her hedonism and reawakened through destruction. Her resourceful perseverance leads her to unconventional trajectories. Her heart beats somewhere in between the known and the unknown. It’s her time, she is living her renaissance. Now more than ever, we need to build and sustain cross generational cultural bridges that will stand the test of time.

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Dimitris wears jacket&pants from Ioanna Kourbela.

The exhibition is located at 62 Mitropoleos str.Athens