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why right now in Brussels?

We should not stop to say this simple truth: a divided Europe leads to war, oppression, misery, a united Europe in peace and prosperity ! 

Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi, Pan-Europa, 1923


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Brussels is the de facto capital of the European Union,so if you are there it’s a great chance to visit the European Parliament.


Γεώργιος Γραμματικάκης ( Member of the European Parliament) goaded us not forget that Europe has been the most great achievement of all time and we all should keep defending the institutions of democracy despite of the current challenges.


Dimitris Grammaticoyiannis between  Αντώνης Κοσσυβάκης (Communication Officer Greek Delegation) on the left and Μίλτος Κύρκος ( Member of the European Parliament) on the right ,who explains the importance of consensus which the European Parliament is based upon.


Handheld multimedia guides accompany visitors to the heart of the European Parliament, explaining the path towards European integration, how the European Parliament works and what its Members are doing to meet the challenges of today. The Parlamentarium is dynamic and interactive by design and can be experienced in any of the European Union’s 24 official languages, making it the perfect place for visitors of all ages to discover European politics.


A visit normally takes around 90 minutes, but shorter tours are available for families and school groups.


Learning who are the Members of Parliament and how they  work is really important.


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E.U.Council on the left , E.U.Commision on the right.


A green Labyrinth worths for walk.


Built for the world fair in Brussels in 1958 the Atomium is the symbol of the Capital and worth seeing day and night.



Eight levels spread over five spheres are open to the public.The Panorama (92 m) in the upper sphere offers spectacular views of the city of Brussels and when the sky is clear,the view reaches in Antwerp.



Meeting the Venus of Milos in Rene Magritte Museum.


Magritte is still inspiational in any field of Arts.


Like the Hellenic Theatre…

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The Greek gallery Periple in Rue Froissart 115.


Keep in mind that TinTin was born in Brussels,so visit TinTin Boutique.

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Goupil Le Fol at Rue de la Violette 22 is the place to relax with a glass of wine at the END of a day .