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OSCE -co-organised a 2day conference in Athens for prevention of trafficking

A conference organized by the office of OSCE (acronym of Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe), special Representative and Co-ordinator for combating Trafficking in Human beings in partnership with the Mayor’s office of the National Rapporter on Trafficking at the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Athens Partnership and Bloomberg Associates.

A two day conference took place in Serafio Complex, on preventing trafficking through government procurement practices and measures .Procurement and anti-trafficking experts, representatives of the city, regional and national governments, and representatives of international and non-governmental organizations explored how governments can leverage this purchasing power through their procurement practices and measures to help prevent human trafficking and labour exploitation in their supply chains.

Athens’ Mayor, Yiorgos Kaminis, announced a new pilot program to develop policies and implement practices aimed at ensuring, to the fullest extent possible, that the City of Athens does not purchase goods manufactured or contract services provided by victims of human trafficking.

Pauline Göthberg, National Co-ordinator for social responsibility in public procurement of the Swedish County Councils and Regions, addressing the regional conference on best practices to prevent human trafficking and labour exploitation in governmental supply chains

Heracles Moskoff, National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human beings (Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs)explained about the government role and responsibility to prevent and combat Trafficking, “The Public-Private Partnership in the Fight Against Human Trafficking”

Dr. Alexander Trautrims, Project Leader of the Unchained Supply Project, University of Nottingham Rights Lab. His research is focusing on developing Knowlegde that helps to detect modern slavery in contemporary supply chain and the diffusion of good labour practices.

Dr. Fiori Zafeiropoulou the Country Coordinator of the global movement Fashion Revolution.org in Greece, the Coordinator of Raise Your Voice Festival against Human Trafficking. Academic Coordinator of the incubation programmes of European consortia “Blue Social Growth”; “Social Growth for Trafficking and Refugees”;  “Social & Sustainable Fashion Entrepreneurs”;TEDx talk ‘Are you still dreaming how to be a Doer?” and the Project Leader of the City of Athens Pilot Program on Public Procurement Trafficking free supply chains.

Speakers discussed action that governments can undertake to prevent trafficking in supply chains, such as identifying industry-specific trafficking risks, training public procurement officials and vendors, implementing anti-trafficking due diligence in the procurement process, and developing monitoring and enforcement mechanisms. This year, the OSCE will continue to lead efforts to address labour exploitation through responsible public procurement. The office of the Special Representative will run a series of workshops to strengthen the capacities of practitioners from OSCE participating States to prevent human trafficking in supply chains.

During the Conference select Artists and Designers from the Raise Your Voice Festival against Human Trafficking 2018 of the City of Athens and Office of the National Rapporteur exhibit theirwork, curated by Freya Sotiropoulos.

Forced illusion 

Alexandra Apsokardou&Artemis Arvaniti Apsokardou The artistic installation with the title FORCED ILLUSION is consisted of a central element, the garment, around which- with the use of photography and drawning – a scenery is createdwith white color to dominate giving a peaceful first impression. What happens though when the pure changes form and human beings acquire animal behavior which originates from the instinct of survival, arrogance and greed for money and material goods.Petite Cinderella 

Aggeliki Mpara made an installation about child Trafficking in collaboration with  students from kindergarten Καραμέλα.

Your Suffering- My pleasure

Despotnia puts into question if really a woman is a Queen into modern society or a whole factory system gains because of her.

Your Body is the Temple of your Soul.(Mannequin from angelinamannequins.com)

Dimitris Grammaticoyiannis conceptual dress against Trafficking and Female Harasment simulates the woman body with a temple, believing that the body is the temple of a soul.Sacred and precious in any form, color and shape.Nobody should harass and make a profit of it.