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Raise Your Voice

Raise Your Voice was a festival that took place in November 18, 2018 at Technopolis-Gazi with a lot of different actions, events, ethnic food and music, dance performances and an Art exhibition. A festival that support voices against trafficking, injustice and human slavery. Finally it was a celebration of social inclusion

Dr Fiori Zafeiropoulou (Country Coordinator Fashion Revolution Greece), organised all this great festival with her excellent team, among enthusiastic supporters.

A conceptual dress against Trafficking and Female Harassment (Mannequin from angelinamannequins.com)


Forced illusion ( Alexandra Apsokardou & Artemis Arvaniti Apsokardou)The artistic installation with the title FORCED ILLUSION is consisted of a central element, the garment, around which- with the use of photography and drawning – a scenery is createdwith white color to dominate giving a peaceful first impression. What happens though when the pure changes form and human beings acquire animal behavior which originates from the instinct of survival, arrogance and greed for money and material goods.

Chess Queen Installation(Despotnia)

A project that reflects the evolution of women’s power in western world and the role of the women in today’s world. It invites us to take part in a game where victory is not as important as knowledge. An inner journey to who we really are and what our role in a constantly changing society.

Installation/ FW SCARECROW (Nellie Syrago Vergopoulou)

“an object made to resemble a human figure, set up to scare birds away from a field where corps are growing”,,,INFORMAL:a person who is very badly dressed, odd-looking, or thin.

Bridal Gown (Eleni Karayianni– Ελένη Καραγιάννη

A wedding Dress- a symbol of virginity, social salvation, royal origin, femininity but is it so?

Psychiatric abuse(C

    Psychiatric abuse (Chen Xiaoping-oilpainting 2004)

Cruel methods are inflicted by police upon Falun Gong practitioners in China, supposedly healing them from potential mental disorders.

Untitled/…Not For Sale(Artist : Vix.xxx.)

From left to right: Joy Koumentakou (Fashion designer&creative motivator), Takis Lybereas(Consultant at Hellenic Clothing Industry Association),  Emmanouela Kouroudi(Founder of Thrakika Ekkokistiria S.A),Kelly Koulizou the coordinator of the panel & Fashion Revolution Cyprus Country, DimitrisGrammaticoyiannis(Founder-Fashion Editor www.ethicalode.com), Elli Stourna (Project Coordinator at Vegan Life Festival), Vera Bogiari (Designer and Creator at  Wasteless Design),Lila de Chaves(Ethnologist who specialises in historical & ethnic textiles, jewellery. & costumes and a supporter of Heritage & Museums .)