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Use the “G” for Guerrilla Girls



            Guerrilla Girls at Στέγη Onassis Cultural Center Athens.

From the G-spot, Hysterical Herstory of Hysteria and How it was cured and many other issues were analyzed from the Guerrilla Girls.

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All of this seems ridiculous nowadays but many women lost their lives, under demonological considerations, punished with hanging or sending in fire as witches for purification.


They wear gorilla masks because this anonimity keeps the focus on the issues art, films, politics corruption and away from who might be! It reminds me of another anonymous artist Banksy.

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In response to Blake Gopnik, then chief art critic for The Washington Post, the Guerrilla Girls produced this tabloid-style broadside that was printed in the newspaper and subsequently as a photolithograph. The print presents statistics that demonstrate how few works of art by women and artists of color are on view in Washington D.C., museums. In this work, the Guerrilla Girls ask: “Ever wonder why Billie [Wilhelmina] Holladay started the National Museum of Women in the Arts? Now you know!”



The poster of LA DOLCE VITA turns into Where are the wonen artists of Venice? by the Guerrilla Girls for Venice Biennale of 2005 and they clearly expose gender impalance with a notable remark.


One of the most notorious image of Guerrilla Girls


Some more provocative images !

Guerrilla Girls' Definition Of Hypocrite 1990 Guerrilla Girls null Purchased 2003 http://www.tate.org.uk/art/work/P78817




When I asked Guerrilla Girls what is this element that will make Greek artists to protest with their artwork against corruption,the answer was that  happens when the circumstances will be ready…